All of my bags are based on my original photos or pictures!
Neoprene is actually used for diving suits, but also in the fashion industry. Neoprene is light, flexible and can be washed either by hand or in the machine (30C).
Neoprene should NEVER be stored folded (creases remain permanent) or exposed to constant UV radiation (e.g. on a window sill), otherwise, it will become brittle.
The bags are not lined (the fabric is approx. 3mm thick), have a black zipper with a ribbon pull for easy closing and are made in the following sizes:
- SMALL (size ‘S’): approx. 10 x 12 cm (e.g. as a coin purse)
- MEDIUM (size ‘M’): approx. 12 x 15 cm (e.g. for cosmetics)
- LARGE (size ‘L’): approx. 17 x 21 cm (e.g. as a toiletry bag or for e-readers such as Kindle)
Neoprene is very difficult to photograph because the ‘pores’ of the fabric are shown by the camera in close-ups. In truth, the fabric looks much smoother than shown in the photos …
The photos show a selection of the bags – all pictures can be produced in the 3 sizes!